What is Desktop as a Service? Here is all you need to know about DaaS

Desktop as a Service


Computing has seen a huge advancement with the advent of the internet. Computers that worked independently with limited resources can now connect to other computers from across the world thanks to the world wide web of connected devices. This has made information widely available and made long-distance communication easier, giving a boost to globalization, trade, and cross-national business. 

Desktop as a Service is a merger of internet and computing technology to provide multiple people with access to data and services from a centralized source. Desktop as a Service (DaaS) connects devices of multiple users to one central computing infrastructure so that all users can have access to the same software and information.

This acts as a powerful virtual computer that works on their devices. This is also called cloud computing since a central computer and database communicates with multiple other devices over the internet, which is the basis of cloud technology. From flexibility and convenience to security and speed, the benefits of the DaaS systems are significant.

But there are also security and latency issues involved in these systems, as will be covered later. The working, benefits, and possible risks of the Desktop as a Service system are explained in this article. 

How does it work?

With globalization and remote working on the rise, DaaS has become important for any large organization. But understanding this concept is vital before you can make full use of it. The working of the DaaS is based on the use of the internet to store and distribute company data and software on web servers.

Desktop as a Service provides the central software and data to each user in the organization as per regulations. Further, a third-party service provider takes care of the cloud system while the IT administrator ensures proper application of the system in the company.

Once established, you can use the service at any location and any device just by logging into the DaaS from a web browser or a secure application. Here is how DaaS system works, explained in a step-wise manner-

  1. The desktop structure used by your company is uploaded into the cloud. In other words, the computer system required by your company is uploaded as information into a web server device. This forms a virtual computer. A third-party service provider ensures safe uploading and maintenance of your virtual computer system on the cloud.

  2. The IT administrator from the company is given access to this cloud computing infrastructure, where the required software and data files are put in place as per the company’s needs. 

  3. User devices in the company are connected to the cloud. Also, permissions for each user are set as per their specific needs.

  4. Login details are set and the virtual system becomes available to the users immediately on logging in.

  5. Users can work using the virtual computer with access to the same database and software up to the permitted extent.

  6. Various devices can then access and use the cloud resources over the internet no matter where it is located.


The benefits of using Desktop as a Service

Desktop as a Service makes remote working possible and helps in global access to common resources from almost any internet-enabled device. All that’s needed is an internet connection and a working device with a web browser. It is also cost-effective, convenient, easy to upgrade, and can be maintained easily. Moreover, DaaS system technology has been observed to be effective in recent times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The benefits of Desktop as a Service system are now explained in more detail-

  1. Flexibility or location and device

The facility to work from remote locations such as homes has become a necessity in recent times due to the pandemic. However, it has also become profitable for many companies due to reduced office costs and longer work hours.

Even in general, working from remote locations has been on the rise due to the flexibility it offers for working professionals and the ability to keep working even while on official tours. A major factor enabling this has been DaaS, due to the ubiquity it offers. You can work for your company using a computer from anywhere in the world using DaaS technology.

Further, it has also enabled the use of the company resources from various devices such as smartphones, laptops, desktop computers, and tablet devices. This means you can keep working while on the go or even if you have a limited choice of devices.

  1. It is cost-effective

Not only does DaaS help to cut office costs, but it also reduces the costs that have been traditionally involved in setting up devices for multiple users. With all your data and software on a cloud, you do not need to install software on each device or have multiple databases. It also cuts repair costs.

One expense on a DaaS system is all you need, which will generally end up being cheaper than the traditional expenses.

  1. Convenience and productivity

Working on multiple software on the same device and storing all information on it will surely push it to its limits. Why not use a DaaS instead?

It will maintain all your software and information in powerful web servers and you just need your log-in ID and password to get going at high speeds and with huge storage capacity. The resulting speed and convenience will certainly bring up work efficiency.

Further, it will provide a smooth, inter-connected interface to all devices to enhance cooperation and communication. Used right, DaaS is sure to boost your company’s productivity. 

  1. Data security

Isn’t it easier to secure one platform than ensure the security of multiple devices? Since data is stored permanently only in the cloud, securing the cloud infrastructure against threats effectively will help you keep your company’s data safe.

You do not need to make sure that each system is kept secure with separate firewalls and anti-viruses when you can secure the main server.

Further, you can ensure that each user gets access only to the information that the user needs from the cloud. It reduces the chances of leakage of data by unauthorized users, be it deliberately or accidentally.

  1. Data recovery

What’s more? Lost data can be recovered easily from the cloud. So, any system crashes or damages at your office will not affect your crucial data. You can also switch to other devices if one or some crash.

This will maintain continuity of work and avoid losses caused by breakdown gaps. This is crucial for big organizations that process large volumes of data.

  1. Change of location

Changing the location of a big office may not be needed frequently. But if it is, it’s an extremely tedious task to shift devices and information to a new location safely. This is also made simple with the use of a DaaS.

Shifting information or computers can be done safely as the critical information will be safe in the cloud. This reduces the risks of theft or loss of information even during drastic changes.

  1. Easy maintenance and development

Maintaining a virtual system is way easier than maintaining physical databases or large computers in your office. Also, it is easier to upgrade software and make additions to a cloud system than making changes in each employee’s device.

DaaS is the perfect solution if you are looking for low-cost maintenance and convenient up-gradation.

The risks involved with the use of Desktop as a Service

The benefits of the Desktop as a Service system are indeed impressive and it seems to solve most of the problems that offices face. But there’s a downside to almost every great thing and the DaaS is no exception. There are various risks in a DaaS system such as data security breach, breakdown of cloud providers system, and latency due to slow internet speeds.

Moreover, the company cannot change the internet infrastructure or service provider frequently, and hence, you must make the right choices right at the start. The risks involved with the use of Desktop as a Service and possible solutions are explained in detail below-

  1. It’s all about trust

Can you trust the cloud service provided with all your data and organizational structure knowledge? Things could go terribly wrong if the provider breaks your trust and silently misuses or damages your company’s data.

To avoid this, you need to be very careful while selecting the service provider and ensure they are trustworthy with an impeccable reputation. Don’t just consider the costs as data security is crucial.

  1. Increase in bandwidth and internet charges

Your internet may get slowed down for other purposes as DaaS systems would require significant internet resources. It could also send up your internet charges which could be high in some cases.

Make sure to plan out the viability of such a system for your organization to avoid such problems. In some cases, such as small businesses, a cloud system may be financially infeasible.

  1. Latency can slow you down

Latency or delay in system response can be a serious problem, especially if your internet network is slow or overloaded. You may end up working slow due to latency in a DaaS system. This is especially harmful to large companies.

To avoid latency, you must go for fast connections and ensure that you have a good network infrastructure both inside and outside your organization.

  1. Potential flaws in data security

Apart from intentional data misuse, cloud service providers may fail to provide sufficient safety to your data. This would leave your company and client’s information vulnerable to hackers. Such data leakage can have implications on your image as a brand and lead to legal issues. Moreover, the systems of the provider may be unreliable.

To get around such risks, you must make sure that the DaaS provider is competent and experienced and has sufficient security systems in place to protect your data.

The bottom line

To conclude, Desktop as a Service is becoming increasingly crucial for business and globalization. This is because it provides various benefits like the flexibility of location and device, convenience, easy data recovery, and cost-effectiveness.

DaaS also provides the unique benefits of providing specific access to users as per their needs and giving them high speed and storage that a central computer possesses even though the device itself may not be fast enough. It may be inferred that Desktop as a Service technology can give a major boost to your company’s productivity, efficiency and profits.

Further, DaaS systems are becoming a necessity in the present times due to the pandemic and many organizations are now working effectively with DaaS systems. However, there are also potential risks such as misuse of data, unreliability, and latency.

To sum up, you must go for a DaaS due to its apparent benefits but also make sure that you can find a reliable provider, afford the involved charges, and really have the need to go for it. 

Original Author- Praharsh Chaubey


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